
Tecnon incorporates new services


Our group has developed a new area within our Company, focused on the development of complementary services to our "Core Business" (manufacturing, sale and distribution of products for the transmission of forces such as couplings, speed reducers, brakes, clutches, mechanical jacks and special developments).

This new division, conceived in 2002, has been specializing a team within our facilities in Buenos Aires, to carry out repair and maintenance tasks for industrial equipment, such as speed reducers and increasers, pulleys for conveyor belts, etc.

In this period we have attended to a growing number of cases, among which are our own speed reducers, from the firm Falk®, Hansen®, Flender® and Santasalo®, among others.

In 2004 we obtained certification and authorization to assist and repair the complete line of Hansen® Industrial Gearboxes reducers, for the entire region.

Hansen® is an international company with a Belgian background, which produces high quality and robust equipment for all industries.

Recently, we have also obtained official authorization for repairs from the renowned North American company FALK®, dedicated to the production of speed reducers and increasers.

In addition to human and tool technical training, we have modified our factory layout to receive this growing regional demand produced in recent semesters.

The inherent repair process is, in each case, distinctive and particular. But always respect the same structure.

The equipment entered into the Tecnon plant is thoroughly inspected by the team of engineers, mainly in search of defects, breaks or deformations, but fundamentally directing this search to the causes that could have caused such damage.

We then develop status reports for joint evaluation with the client.

Once the repair and/or adjustment strategy has been decided, the necessary parts for replacement or modification are produced (or acquired, depending on the case). These parts are then incorporated into the original configuration of the equipment and their complete compatibility and operation is tested. The equipment is always tested in our facilities before returning to its original facilities.

Tecnon offers the development of these processes with limited times, aware of the client's prevailing needs. Each piece of equipment repaired in our workshop also has a guarantee on its repair and integration.

In this way, Tecnon positions itself as an excellent and almost essential option in the repair and maintenance market for this type of equipment (national or imported) through this new service.

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